Inflexion completes double buyout creating home services switching site Comparison Technologies
Inflexion Private Equity has created Comparison Technologies, a multi-channel price comparison enabler in home services (energy, broadband, TV and telephone), through the simultaneous buyouts of Energy Helpline (“EHL”) and UK Web Media (“UKWM”).
Founded in 2002, EHL is a price comparison tool for the electricity and gas sectors. It operates in both the direct and affiliate channels via on and off-line customer conversion. Founded in 2001, UKWM is a marketing solutions and price comparison business. The business operates a number of price comparison websites which help customers to compare and switch a range of home services focused on TV and telephony.
Price comparison is rapidly becoming an important component of the sizeable home services market. Consumer demand for comparison and switching in home services is growing as people have more choices, both from new and existing suppliers. In energy, the regulator is focusing on driving down prices for consumers across all suppliers. In TV and telephony, consumers are now looking for independent advice to navigate increasingly complex and varied product offers.
Peter Callander, formerly of Saga, will become Chief Financial Officer of the combined group. The Inflexion deal team comprised Jonathan Ma, Tom Pemberton, Richard Wootten and James Stevens.
This deal was made by affiliated funds advised by Inflexion Private Equity Partners LLP.