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A new dawn
A platform for success: The carve-out and growth of DWS
Accelerating growth in the animal health market
Accelerating growth through M&A
Acceleration through acquisitions: M&A during lockdown
Accessing capital and expertise without selling your business
Acorn Group
Across the pond: local US support
Administering success: Rosemont Pharmaceuticals
Adversity as a catalyst for change
Advertising in the social media era
AE Live
Aerospace Dinner
AI: The next frontier
AI-powered intelligence: GlobalData Healthcare
Alcumus completes £47m acquisition of Santia
Aligning pricing to value
All change: The transformation of a newly independent business
Amazon’s culture of innovation and customer-centric focus
Analytics: Helping you to help your customer
Animal Health dinner
Annual Northwest FD Club lunch
Annual Northwest Finance Exchange Lunch
Apprenticeships as a source of growth
Artificial intelligence, real benefits
Aspen completes an investment into CP Electronics
Aspen Pumps
At a glance
Automation and data visualisation: Success for a mid-market company
Automotive Transformation Group
Backing ambition
Battle for the best: Attracting and retaining talent in healthcare
Becoming a digital product-centric organisation
Benefits of tapping into a network
BES Group
Beyond Business with Baroness Falkner of Margravine
Beyond Business: Delivering Profit with Purpose
Blue Light Card
Bollington Wilson
Boosting customers and colleagues with ESG
Boosting diversity in businesses
Boosting healthcare outcomes with the right partner for growth
Boosting M&A with AI
BPO Dinner
British Prime Minister Theresa May visits Inflexion backed Xtrac
Building a diverse workforce: How and why do we put a value on DEI?
Building a product culture
Building an information services business
Building blocks for Marley’s success
Building data-powered businesses
Building on a strong brand: The Chambers transformation
Business as usual for the TIC sector
Business Information dinner
Business Services dinner
CableCom acquires utilities payment business Glide
CableCom expands student offering through strategic acquisition
CableCom ranked in Megabuyte50 top performing UK tech companies
Capturing people’s attention in an increasingly mobile world
Carefully carving success
Carving opportunity
Carving out opportunity: GRC’s carve-out from Marlowe plc
Cawood Scientific
CFO Exchange
CFO Exchange
Chairmen's Reception
Chairs Economic Outlook event
Chairs Economic Outlook event
Chambers and Partners
Chinese promise
Climate change
CloserStill Media
CNX Therapeutics
Commercial and sales response strategy for COVID-19
Commercial call: monetising new products and services
Commercial Exchange
Commercial Exchange
Commercial Exchange: Customer success and retention
Commercial Exchange: Making price changes stick
Commercial Exchange: Product and proposition
Commercial Exchange: Rising Inflation
Considering key revenue growth levers
Consolidating a fragmented market through M&A
Convergence of data and software in the financial services industry
Cookie policy
Corporate partnerships and carve-outs: perseverance and experience are key to success
COVID-19 portfolio webinars
CP Electronics
Create and Craft announces a strategic partnership
Creating competitive advantage with generative AI for mid-market companies: Learnings and pitfalls
Creating value from ESG
Creative Car Park
CTC Aviation
CTC Aviation becomes BA’s exclusive A320 training partner
CTC Aviation sees growth in the Middle East, India and China
CTC Aviation soars to new heights
CTO Exchange: The human side of cybersecurity
CTO Exchange: The human side of cybersecurity
Cultivating success: Lessons from female leadership
Customer-centricity key to commercial success
Cyber security – the changing nature of challenges
Cybersecurity is a team sport
Data Dinner
Data trends in the life sciences industry
Detectortesters: Enhancing hardware with smart software
Developing effective healthcare leaders
Differentiating reward in the modern workplace
Digital Consumer dinner
Digital Dinner
Digital Entrepreneurs Dinner
Digital Exchange – Data monetisation
Digital Exchange - Product
Digital Exchange - Technology
Digital Exchange: Building brand to drive sales
Digital Exchange: Data
Digital Exchange: Data
Digital Exchange: Due diligence and the exit process
Digital Exchange: Marketing
Digital Exchange: Software Engineering Efficiency
Digital Exchange: Technology and Cost Optimisation
Digital Exchange: Technology talent
Digital Perspectives Dinner: Actually Making Money from Data
Digital Perspectives Dinner: Digital Leadership
Digital Perspectives Dinner: IoT Manufacturing
Digital Perspectives dinner: Technology in Media
Digital Perspectives Dinner: The Future of Network Infrastructure and Compute
Digital Perspectives Dinner: The Future of Online Travel and E-commerce
Digital Perspectives Dinner: The Internet of Things
Digital Perspectives Dinner: Travel Tech
Disruptive businesses & consumers
Diversity & inclusion
Diversity + equity + inclusion = value
Diversity Exchange
Diversity Exchange
Diversity Exchange
Diversity Exchange: Rising Female Leadership
Diversity Spotlight: Inclusivity supports high-performing teams
Double bolt-on acquisitions for Inflexion portfolio companies
Double bolt-on success for Inflexion portfolio
Double entry in the Tech Track 100
Double Inflexion win at the 2019 Private Equity Awards
Double Queen’s Award success for Inflexion portfolio companies
Double success as Inflexion investee companies are ranked in the International Track 200
Double win at the British Private Equity Awards
Double win at the unquote” British Private Equity Awards for the second year running
Driving international expansion for healthcare and life sciences companies
Driving revenue growth through business model innovation
Driving strategic partnerships with minority capital
Driving sustainable outcomes
Economic Outlook Chairmen’s dinner
Economic Outlook Chairmen’s Dinner
Economic Outlook Chairmen's Dinner
Economic Outlook Chairmen's Dinner
Economic Outlook Dinner
Economic Outlook Dinner
Economic outlook dinner
Education Sector Dinner: Technology Advances in the Education Sector
Embedding the ValueSelling Framework®: The journey of Chambers and Partners
Embracing change
Embracing generative AI: K2’s experience
Embracing the Real Living Wage makes real business sense
Empowering a data science team to drive results in mid-market businesses
Empowering sales teams
Energy Sector Event; Fuelling Innovation in the Electricity Supply Chain
Engaging people and businesses through B Corp Certification
Enterprise Fund Reception, London
Enterprise Fund Reception, Manchester
Enterprising family business on fast track to success
Enterprising spirit: How private equity can turbocharge growth
Entrepreneurs Exchange Dinner: From Start-up Through to Listing on the London Stock Exchange
Entrepreneurs Exchange Dinner: Hiring for Growth Across Fast Growing Businesses
Environmental, social and governance
ESG as a value driver
ESG as a value driver
ESG Exchange
ESG Exchange
ESG Exchange: ESG at exit
ESG Exchange: Sustainability communications
ESG Exchange: Winning over non-believers
ESG: Sharing best practice
European LifeCare
Event with the London Stock Exchange
Every company is a tech company
Every company is a tech company, and privacy is at the forefront
Exhibiting growth
Family fortunes
Family ties
FD Exchange - Leeds
FDM Group wins Private Equity Deal of the Year at the UK tech awards
Female Finance Leaders' dinner
Film library
Five reflections from digital marketing in turbulent times
From locked down to looking up
Fuelling growth through data
Funds and investors
Future-proof your business
Gaining a political insight with Lord Peter Mandelson
Getting engaged: Why commitment matters in business
Getting from products to profits with pricing
Global Reach Group
GlobalData Healthcare
Goals Soccer Centres
The Goat Agency
Going global with M&A
Going global: Combining company and country culture
Going green
Grand Prix success at The Private Equity Awards
Great minds think differently
Griffin Global
Griffin Global Group appoints new Executive Chairman
Manchester international dinner
Harrington Brooks
Have your cake and eat it with minority funding
Head in the clouds: Why AI matters for mid-market companies
Healthcare Dinner
Healthcare Dinner
Healthcare spotlight: Antibodies - applications and success
Healthcare Spotlight: Challenges and opportunities for pharma services and healthcare technology businesses within clinical trials
Healthcare spotlight: Drug discovery and development
Heart work
How AI can help mid-market companies
How can a minority corporate partnership drive a successful spin-out?
How can mid-market companies drive high performing sales teams?
How mid-market businesses can make the most of LinkedIn
How mid-market companies can make the most of data visualisation
How mid-market companies can start with setting Science-Based Targets
How mid-market medical device makers can compete with larger companies
How private equity can help family businesses
How the right private equity partner can turbo-charge growth
How the right sales enablement programme can drive growth in mid-market businesses
How to scale a professional services business
Inflexion HR exchange
HR Directors Exchange
HR Exchange
HR Exchange
Inflexion HR Exchange
HR Exchange
HR Exchange: Hybrid working options
HR Exchange: Basics of D&I
Human capital: Connecting businesses with trained talent
Huws Gray
Huws Gray and Medivet featured in the Sunday Times Top Track 250
Ideal Shopping Direct
Ideal Shopping Direct completes acquisition of Craft Channel Productions Limited
Ideal Shopping Direct completes second acquisition this year, adding another strand to its craft offering
Ilchester Cheese
In good times and bad – engagement matters
Industrials dinner
Inflexion - Institute of Directors dinner
Inflexion a double winner at the British Private Equity Awards
Inflexion achieves a carbon neutral status
Inflexion acquires Alston Elliot
Inflexion acquires assets of Goals Soccer Centres
Inflexion acquires ATCORE Technology Group
Inflexion acquires Cawood Scientific
Inflexion acquires cloud specialist ANS
Inflexion acquires Rosemont Pharmaceuticals
Inflexion adds US capability
Inflexion agrees buyout of Marley
Inflexion agrees Partnership Capital investment into Easyfairs
Inflexion agrees strategic partnership with DWS
Inflexion agrees the buyout of Xtrac
Inflexion agrees to acquire majority stake in dss+
Inflexion agrees to sell investment in Marley Group for £535m
Inflexion and Allen & Overy partner to drive growth of aosphere business
Inflexion and SMD wins Deal of the Decade Award in the North East
Inflexion announces £500,000 donation to DEC Ukraine Appeal
Inflexion announces acquisition of Nomentia
Inflexion announces another double fundraising
Inflexion announces appointments to investment team
Inflexion announces buyout of Astrak
Inflexion announces buyout of Detectortesters
Inflexion announces buyout of enviolo
Inflexion announces buyout of Pharmaspectra
Inflexion announces buyout of SteriPack
Inflexion announces carve-out of GfK’s animal and crop health business
Inflexion announces fourth IPO in 18 months
Inflexion announces investment in DR&P
Inflexion announces investment into Upperton
Inflexion announces investment into Wise
Inflexion announces investment into Wood Thilsted
Inflexion announces majority investment in Sparta Global
Inflexion announces management buyout of Global Reach Partners
Inflexion announces minority investment in The Goat Agency
Inflexion announces minority re-investment into Alcumus
Inflexion announces Partner promotion
Inflexion announces Partnership Capital minority investment into YER
Inflexion announces partnership with TC Group
Inflexion announces record return on sale of Aspen
Inflexion announces sale of Alcumus for over £600m
Inflexion announces sale of ATCORE
Inflexion announces sale of Goals
Inflexion announces sale of Halo for $715m generating a 6x MM
Inflexion announces sale of investment in The Goat Agency
Inflexion announces sale of minority investment in Medivet
Inflexion announces sale of minority investment in Phenna
Inflexion announces sale of Pharmaspectra
Inflexion announces sale of Succession Wealth to Aviva
Inflexion announces sale of Xtrac
Inflexion announces senior leadership promotions
Inflexion announces team promotions
Inflexion announces team promotions
Inflexion announces team promotions
Inflexion announces team promotions
Inflexion announces team promotions
Inflexion announces the first and final close of its latest buyout fund
Inflexion appoints Chairman to Ideal Shopping Direct
Inflexion appoints David Whileman, ex-Head of UK Private Equity at 3i
Inflexion appoints dedicated debt financing lead
Inflexion appoints Freddy West as Talent Director
Inflexion appoints Humphrey Baker as Partner in the Enterprise Fund and further strengthens Technology coverage
Inflexion appoints Isabelle Pagnotta as Partner and further strengthens its team
Inflexion appoints Jennie Galbraith as ESG Director
Inflexion appoints Kevin Adeson as Senior Advisor
Inflexion appoints Marketing Director
Inflexion appoints Martin Preuss as Partner and Head of DACH
Inflexion appoints partner to lead new North America office
Inflexion appoints two new partners
Inflexion appoints Value Enhancement Director
Inflexion awarded Exit of the Year for Goat
Inflexion awarded exit of the year for Halo
Inflexion awarded Mid-Market House of the Year
Inflexion backed Xtrac wins Queen's Award for Innovation
Inflexion backs European LifeCare Group’s ambitious expansion plan
Inflexion backs LCP with £41m Partnership Capital investment
Inflexion backs leading pet supplements business Lintbells
Inflexion backs management buyout of Calco
Inflexion backs management buyout of ITM
Inflexion backs management buyout of PCMS Group
Inflexion backs new TICC platform Celnor
Inflexion backs the £73m buyout of On The Beach
Inflexion backs the buyout of CableCom
Inflexion backs the buyout of PD&MS Energy
Inflexion backs the management buyout of CMO
Inflexion becomes a patron of The Prince’s Trust
Inflexion Benelux drinks reception
Inflexion Benelux healthcare and life sciences dinner
Inflexion bolsters investment team with double appointment
Inflexion bolsters Partnership Capital team
Inflexion buys back Aspen Pumps
Inflexion caps off record year
Inflexion caps off strong 2023
Inflexion carves-out Marlowe plc's Governance, Risk & Compliance software & tech-enabled services division
Inflexion celebrates portfolio awards in 2020
Inflexion celebrates three B Corp certifications in portfolio
Inflexion CFO Exchange
Inflexion Chairmen's Reception
Inflexion champions the UK’s internationally successful businesses
Inflexion closes Co-Investment Fund in record time
Inflexion completes £92m buyout of Alcumus Group Ltd
Inflexion completes a Partnership Capital investment in Mobica
Inflexion completes a PCap investment in Mountain Warehouse
Inflexion completes acquisition of Infront and appoints Chair
Inflexion completes acquisition of Times Higher Education
Inflexion completes buyout of Chambers and Partners
Inflexion completes buyout of Creative Car Park
Inflexion completes buyout of Group IMD
Inflexion completes buyout of MyPolicy
Inflexion completes carve-out from GfK, launching Kynetec
Inflexion completes carve-out of RSA Engineering Inspection & Consultancy
Inflexion completes double buyout creating home services switching site Comparison Technologies
Inflexion completes investment in ProLabs
Inflexion completes investment in Systal
Inflexion completes landmark 50<sup>th</sup> exit
Inflexion completes minority investment in Huws Gray
Inflexion completes Partnership Capital investment in CloserStill
Inflexion completes PCap investment in Granite Underwriting
Inflexion completes Partnership Capital investment in Outdoor Plus
Inflexion completes sale of Automotive Transformation Group
Inflexion completes take private of DWF
Inflexion completes take private of FDM Group
Inflexion confirms stake sale in Jack Wills
Inflexion Consumer Finance Roundtable
Inflexion continues partnership with The Sunday Times 100 to celebrate entrepreneurial success
Inflexion creates enlarged insurance broker group
Inflexion creates global networks business
Inflexion crowns recent success with new partner appointment
Inflexion digital exchange
Inflexion Digital Exchange
Inflexion Digital Exchange
Inflexion digital exchange
Inflexion digital exchange insights
Inflexion Double Fund Success
Inflexion economic outlook dinner
Inflexion education panel
Inflexion Enterprise Fund completes buyout of Virgin Experience Days
Inflexion enters the Impetus – Private Equity Foundation Triathlon
Inflexion Exchange
Inflexion exits Kynetec after strong UK and international growth
Inflexion exits stake in Lane Clark & Peacock delivering a strong return
Inflexion expands investment team with new hires
Inflexion expands its ambitious team
Inflexion expands team with hires in Brazil, China and India
Inflexion expands value creation team
Inflexion featured as a top performing buyout fund manager by Preqin
Inflexion flying high: Inflexion completes the MBO of CTC Aviation
The Inflexion Foundation
Inflexion Foundation announces grant to Kinetic
Inflexion Foundation announces multi-year grant to Bookmark
Inflexion Foundation announces three year grant to Impetus
Inflexion Foundation broadens focus to include environment; announces partnership with Royal Geographical Society
Inflexion Foundation donates £2.5m to support coronavirus crisis relief
Inflexion Foundation supports National Tutoring Programme
Inflexion further expands investment team with three new hires
Inflexion generates 16x via £300m IPO of FDM
Inflexion generates 3.7x in IPO of NAHL Group
Inflexion generates 3.7x on the £232m IPO of Sanne Group plc
Inflexion generates 4.4x return on sale of Red Commerce
Inflexion generates 7.7x return on fifth exit this year
Inflexion grows team for 2011
Inflexion health science dinner
Inflexion Hosts Entrepreneurs at the National Business Awards
Inflexion Hosts Entrepreneurs at the National Business Awards Gala Dinner
Inflexion hosts first internationally focused portfolio company forum
Inflexion HR Exchange
Inflexion HR Exchange
Inflexion in double award success
Inflexion Industrials dinner
Inflexion industrials dinner
Inflexion information services dinner
Inflexion insurance dinner
Inflexion internship programme 2023
Inflexion internship programme 2024
Inflexion invests in Asperity Employee Benefits
Inflexion invests in Cutwel
Inflexion invests in FDM to support ambitious growth strategy
Inflexion invests in Ideal Shopping Direct plc
Inflexion invests in leading luxury travel company, Scott Dunn
Inflexion invests in Natural Products Worldwide
Inflexion invests in Nodor Group
Inflexion invests in Phlexglobal
Inflexion invests in PMC Treasury to accelerate growth
Inflexion invests in Reed & Mackay’s next phase of growth
Inflexion invests in Ridgewall and backs simultaneous acquisition
Inflexion invests in Sanne Group
Inflexion invests in Succession
Inflexion invests in Swedish consumer marketplace platform, Mecenat
Inflexion invests in provider of tech-enabled conveyancing solicitors
Inflexion invests in Ultimate Performance
Inflexion invests in Village Vets
Inflexion invites ambitious entrepreneurs to enter the National Business Awards
Inflexion launches Healthcare Advisory Board
Inflexion launches The Inflexion Foundation
Inflexion leads Preqin’s Global Private Equity Rankings
Inflexion leads Preqin’s global private equity rankings again
Inflexion legal services dinner
Inflexion makes strategic minority investment in Baker Tilly Netherlands
Inflexion marks 25 years of backing ambition
Inflexion named 'Best Fundraising Firm - Co-investment'
Inflexion named Mid-Market Buyout House of the Year
Inflexion names three new investment partners
Inflexion Network
Inflexion No. 1 in 2013 global private equity rankings
Inflexion only UK based firm ranked in top ten for global performance
Inflexion opens Benelux office
Inflexion opens Nordic office
Inflexion partners with Auctus to back buyout of Shimtech
Inflexion partners with founders to acquire from Axel Springer to drive future growth
Inflexion to create a data business with Informa
Inflexion partners with the Sunday Times 100
Inflexion partners with TPP founders to support further growth
Partnership Capital and Radius agree minority investment
Inflexion Partnership Capital completes sale of Mobica
Inflexion Partnership Capital II wins Private Equity Wire award
Inflexion Partnership Capital invests £434m in GlobalData Plc's Healthcare business
Inflexion Partnership Capital invests in K2 Partnering Solutions
Inflexion Partnership Capital invests in Medivet
Inflexion performs highly in PRI assessment
NPW secures new funds for global growth
Inflexion portfolio company named number one in the Sunday Times International Track 200
Inflexion portfolio completes 42 acquisitions in 2020
Inflexion portfolio exchange
Inflexion Portfolio Exchange
Inflexion portfolio receives multiple accolades at the BVCA Vision Series
Inflexion professional services dinner
Inflexion provides Partnership Capital funding for UKFast
Inflexion provides Partnership Capital funding to Auxadi
Inflexion provides Partnership Capital funding to CMS Payments Intelligence
Inflexion provides Partnership Capital funding to Phenna Group
Inflexion provides Partnership Capital minority funding into Proteros
Inflexion publishes ESG Report 2022
Inflexion publishes ESG Report 2023
Inflexion raises £1 billion in successful double fundraise
Inflexion raises £1.75 billion for Partnership Capital Fund III
Inflexion raises £12,000 for The Kinetic Foundation
Inflexion raises £140,000 for the Roundhouse
Inflexion raises £140,000 for the Roundhouse
Inflexion raises £150,000 for the Roundhouse
Inflexion raises £160,000 for Impetus
Inflexion raises £160,000 for Impetus
Inflexion raises £2.25 billion in successful double fundraise
Inflexion raises £2.5 billion for Buyout Fund VI
Inflexion raises £20,000 for the Kinetic Foundation
Inflexion raises £20,000 for the Kinetic Foundation
Inflexion raises £240,000 for Impetus
Inflexion raises £250,000 for Impetus-PEF
Inflexion raises £250,000 for The Roundhouse
Inflexion raises £285,000 for the Impetus triathlon
Inflexion raises £300,000 for Impetus
Inflexion raises £975 million for Enterprise Fund VI
Inflexion reaches landmark 100th investment
Inflexion realises 4.0x on final Sanne Group Plc sale
Inflexion reduces carbon impact related to travel
Inflexion re-invests in K2 to support further growth
Inflexion re-invests in the British Engineering Services Group to support further growth
Inflexion returns 2.2x on the sale of SMD
Inflexion returns 2.8x on sale of Phlexglobal
Inflexion returns 3x on sale of CTC Aviation
Inflexion secures another award win
Inflexion sells Cawood Scientific
Inflexion sells Chambers to Abry Partners
Inflexion sells CP Electronics to Legrand
Inflexion sells Flooid to Tokyo-listed trade buyer Glory after successful transition to a saas model and international expansion
Inflexion sells Griffin Global Group
Inflexion sells Harrington Brooks
Inflexion sells Ideal Shopping Direct to Blackstone
Inflexion sells investment in UK Power Reserve to Sembcorp
Inflexion sells investment in Vivona Brands to Webster Equity Partners
Inflexion sells its stake in Outdoor Plus to Global Radio
Inflexion sells majority stake in Virgin Experience Days
Inflexion sells minority stake in CloserStill Media
Inflexion sells Optionis Group
Inflexion sells Pims Group to Xylem Inc.
Inflexion sells Reed & Mackay to TripActions
Inflexion sells Rhead Group to Costain Group PLC
Inflexion sells Scott Dunn to Flight Centre
Inflexion’s ICRS ESG debate and dinner
Inflexion sponsors the National Business Awards
Inflexion strengthens commitment to ESG
Inflexion strengthens its origination team and announces Partner promotions
Inflexion strengthens its team
Inflexion strengthens value acceleration capabilities
Inflexion supports 41 acquisitions for portfolio in 2023
Inflexion supports 60 portfolio acquisitions across six continents in 2024
Inflexion supports Alcumus’ expansion in UK and North America
Inflexion supports Bollington Wilson's fourth acquisition of the year
Inflexion supports creation of EHS tech leader
Inflexion supports fourth acquisition for Reed & Mackay
Inflexion supports Huws Gray’s acquisition of Ridgeons
Inflexion supports management buyout of Bedell Trust
Inflexion supports multiple portfolio acquisitions
Inflexion supports Ocorian’s acquisition of ABAX
Inflexion supports Ocorian’s continued M&A strategy with Nordic acquisition
Inflexion supports portfolio acquisition spree
Inflexion supports record number of acquisitions for portfolio in 2021
Inflexion supports the Impetus – Private Equity Foundation Triathlon
Inflexion supports third bolt-on this year
Inflexion supports third Ocorian acquisition in six months
Inflexion supports US acquisition by CloserStill Media
Inflexion team raises £300,000 for the Roundhouse
Inflexion to sell Bollington Wilson
Inflexion to sell DR&P
Inflexion to sell investment in Global Reach Group
Inflexion to sell ITM
Inflexion to sell Yumove brand owner Lintbells
Inflexion tops Preqin’s 2015 global private equity rankings
Inflexion transforms Glide
Inflexion wins ‘Best UK LBO Fund’ at the Private Equity Exchange & Awards
Inflexion wins ‘Mid-Market Buyout House of the Year’ at the British Private Equity Awards
Inflexion wins at the unquote” British Private Equity Awards
Inflexion wins best Pan-European Mid-Market LBO Fund award
Inflexion wins Buyout House of the Year award
Inflexion wins Finance Specialist of the Year award
Inflexion wins Fundraising of the Year award
Inflexion wins 'Group Portfolio Collaboration Award' at the Actum Value Creation Awards
Inflexion wins Mid-Market Buyout House of the Year award
Inflexion wins PE Firm of the Year
Inflexion wins Portfolio Innovation Award for its work with Detectortesters
Inflexion wins 'Value Creation Team of the Year' at the Actum Awards
Inflexion completes the buyout of Mycom
Inflexion’s British Engineering Services makes first acquisition
Inflexion’s Digital Exchange: Data and AI
Inflexion’s Global Reach Partners completes purchase of FC Exchange
Inflexion’s Grand Prix success at The Private Equity Awards
Inflexion’s HCM software dinner
Inflexion’s Insight Week welcomes 2023’s new joiners
Inflexion’s investment team expands
Inflexion’s Irish Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders dinner
Inflexion’s Kynetec secures first acquisition
Inflexion’s Medical Devices dinner
Inflexion’s National Business Award winner announced
Inflexion’s Ocorian agrees to buy Luxembourg based MAS International
Inflexion’s Private Debt dinner
Inflexion’s Product and Technology Exchange
Inflexion’s Reed & Mackay creates new global partnership
UK Power Reserve wins Mid-Market Team of the Year in the Midlands
Inflexion-backed Radius Payment Solutions completes five acquisitions
Inflexion's Animal Health dinner
Inflexion's Annual Benelux drinks
Inflexion's Annual Drinks Reception
Inflexion's Annual Drinks Reception
Inflexion's Annual Stockholm drinks
Inflexion's Asset Services dinner
Inflexion's beauty and wellness dinner
Inflexion's Benelux Professional Services dinner
Inflexion's Brussels healthcare dinner
Inflexion's Buy and Build dinner
Inflexion's CFO dinner
Inflexion's Commercial Exchange
Inflexion's Commercial Exchange
Inflexion's Corporate Development in Healthcare dinner
Inflexion's CRO / CCO dinner
Inflexion's DACH software dinner
Inflexion's Diversity Exchange
Inflexion's ESG Exchange
Inflexion's Frankfurt office opening drinks
Inflexion's Healthcare Advisory Board and Portfolio event
Inflexion's Industrials dinner
Inflexion's Irish Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders dinner
Inflexion's IT Services dinner and wine tasting
Inflexion's Life Sciences dinner in Barcelona
Inflexion's M&A lunch
Inflexion's Marketing Exchange
Inflexion's Medical Devices dinner
Inflexion's People Leaders' Lunch
Inflexion's Pharma Services dinner
Inflexion's Portfolio Alumni dinner
Inflexion's portfolio alumni dinner
Inflexion's Professional Services dinner
Inflexion's Software and Data dinner and wine tasting
Inflexion's Stockholm Software dinner
Inflexion's Technical Services dinner
Institute for family business dinner
Insurance Dinner
Insurance Dinner
Insurance dinner in Amsterdam
Insurance Sector Dinner
Intelligent automation
International Dinner
International Dinner
International Dinner
International Exchange: Asia
International Growth Dinner
International payments dinner
International Women’s Day: Thriving in a male-dominated industry
International Women's Day 2023
Inventing success
Jack Wills
Jack Wills crowned Best Brand in Buyout Track 100 awards
K2 Partnering Solutions
Keeping it in the family
Keeping secure in a turbulent world: cyber matters at home
Key trends in monetisation: 5 things to think about for 2022
Knowledge is power when it comes to healthcare data
Lane Clark & Peacock
LCP wins two prestigious pensions awards
Leadership in unprecedented times
Leading with purpose: Helping employees thrive in uncertain times
Terms and conditions
Legal Exchange
Legal Exchange
Leisure Dinner
Leisure Sector Dinner
Lessons learnt from floating a business
Limbering up
Lintbells and Upperton win King’s Award for Excellence
Long term relationships
Looking ahead with the support of a minority backer
M&A Spotlight: BES Group - Buy, then build - Making the most of acquisitions
M&A Spotlight: Celnor’s 19 acquisitions in first year
M&A Spotlight: Going global
M&A Spotlight: Halo - Turbocharging growth through transformational acquisitions
M&A Spotlight: Ocorian - Growing geographic footprint and product offering through M&A
M&A Spotlight: Quadrupling revenues and expanding internationally at CNX Therapeutics
M&A Spotlight: Radius - Electrifying prospects
M&A Spotlight: YER grows footprint and resource with targeted European acquisitions
Making diversity part of the DNA
Making it big in the US
Managing price to protect your margins
Managing technology costs
Manchester Entrepreneurs’ Dinner
Medical devices event
Medik8 skincare brand receives investment from Inflexion
Medik8 wins Private Equity Wire ESG European Award 2023
Medik8: How to deliver exceptional data-driven results
Medik8: Marrying science with the environment
Medtech Dinner
Medtech: Life saver and money maker
Mid-market B2B Energy Services Lunch
Minority capital for majority impact
Minority investing comes of age
Minority investment for maximum growth
Mobica wins Queen’s Award for International Trade
Mountain Warehouse
Movera’s momentous moves: Transforming into a client-centric leader
Moving ahead in the digital age
National Accident Helpline
National Business Awards reception
New hires provide added depth to Inflexion
News, insights & events
Nominations for the National Business Awards are open
Northern Tech Awards
Northwest Finance Exchange
Ocorian and Estera to merge in transformational transaction
On the Beach
Optimising cloud costs
Optimising data to optimise your company
Our firm
Outdoor Plus
Outsourcing as a flexible solution
A shared journey
Partnership Capital
Partnership Capital Dinner
PD&MS exit seals top decile 2010 fund performance
Pedalling faster and smarter towards international success
A shared passion
People driving exits: Do you have a culture capable of scaling?
People Leaders' Exchange
People matters
People power: Building a team to deliver strong sustainable growth
People power: Talent matters for pharmaceuticals carve-out
People premium: The business case for embracing diversity
Pharma Sciences event
Phenna Group
Plugging holes in customer retention
PMC Treasury
Podcast library
Making great businesses better
Harrington Brooks acquires two debt management back books together
Strategic acquisition by Ideal Shopping Direct
Portfolio Exchange 2020
Portfolio Exchange 2020: Innovation in a remote world
Portfolio Exchange 2020: Keeping international strategies on track in the current environment
Portfolio Exchange 2020: Right pricing
Portfolio Exchange 2020: tips for building the workplace and workforce of the future
Portfolio Exchange 2021: Embracing change
Portfolio Exchange 2022: Driving Sustainable Growth
Portfolio Exchange 2023: Future-proofing businesses
Portfolio Exchange 2020: Pursuing M&A opportunities
Portfolio Forum
Portfolio Forum
Powerful partnerships: One year on with aosphere
Powerful partnerships: One year on with Astrak
Powerful partnerships: One year on with Detectortesters
Powerful partnerships: One year on with Medik8
Powerful partnerships: One year on with Phenna
Powerful partnerships: One year on with Upperton Pharma Solutions
Powering growth
Practical considerations of returning to work
Press releases
Prioritising purpose and agility in growth
Privacy notice
Private equity loves travel
Private equity: more than capital
Protecting business value with cyber security
Radius Payments acquires Adam Phones
Raising the roof on ESG
Recognising high growth companies at the National Business Awards
Red Commerce
Reed & Mackay
Reflecting on 20 years
Reinventing the wheel: 2020 Entrepreneur of the Year
Remote selling for return to growth
Respecting customers by protecting their data
Responsible investing
Return-to-workplace strategies
Reward Gateway
Rhead Group acquires Calvert & Russell
Rhead Group CEO wins EY’s regional entrepreneurial award
Rhead Group CEO wins Industry Leadership Award
Rhead Group completes two acquisitions
Rhead Group wins Outstanding Achievement Award
Right people, right place, right time
Right people, right skills: hiring in lockdown
Risky business: The allure of insurance businesses
Rosemont Pharmaceuticals
Sanne Group completes acquisition
Scaling mid-market technology teams
Scaling tech talent in a tight(ening) market
Scott Dunn
Scott Dunn accelerates Asian growth with Country Holidays acquisition
Scott Dunn expands into US with sales office in San Diego
Sector spotlight: Healthcare and life sciences
Sector Spotlight: Animal Health
Sector Spotlight: B2B data
Sector spotlight: Consumer
Sector spotlight: Data in financial services
Sector spotlight: Data in pharma
Sector spotlight: Financial services
Sector spotlight: Healthcare
Sector spotlight: Industrials
Sector spotlight: Industrials
Sector spotlight: Information services
Sector spotlight: Information services
Sector Spotlight: Insurance
Sector Spotlight: Pharma services - Establishing a North American presence
Sector Spotlight: Professional services
Sector spotlight: Professional services
Sector spotlight: Professional services
Sector spotlight: Services
Sector spotlight: Technology
Sector spotlight: TICC services
Setting change up for success
Setting up boards for success
Setting up healthcare units for independent success
Site tools
Small changes, big results: How minority capital from Inflexion gave LCP control and support
Software testing is a hot topic in the tech world
Sowing seeds for success: Kynetec carve-out and sale
Sparta Global
Sparta and Times Higher Education win King’s Award for Enterprise
Spotlight: The importance of the consumer in beauty & wellness
Ster Century
SteriPack: The first 100 days
Strong connections: communications in a crisis
Structuring an effective sales incentive
Succession secures further investment to continue its acquisition strategy
Supply chain due diligence: A challenge worth embracing
Supporting 10000 Black Interns
Supporting the global transition to green energy
Sustainability Spotlight: A focus on people, planet and net zero - BES Group’s ESG journey
Sustainability Spotlight: Boosting diversity - K2’s DE&I hiring programme
Sustainability Spotlight: Engaging staff and connecting with others to drive ESG
Sustainability Spotlight: Integrating efforts to boost ESG outcomes
Sustainable success: ATG’s M&A and tech-driven transformation
Sustainable success: DR&P’s 4x headcount increase following three-year Inflexion investment
Sustainable success: Lintbells’ paw-some growth journey
Sustainable success: Medivet doubles with Inflexion
Sustainable success: The Halo story
Sustainable Travel: Holidays that don’t cost the earth
TC Group
Technology webinars
The big picture: 5 ESG trends
The digital revolution in the pharmaceuticals industry
The glitz and the geeks: CES 2019
The importance of a clear path for growth
The importance of a product mindset
The importance of data in today's world
The importance of talent
The Inflexion Foundation announces multi-year grant to Kazerne Reigersbos
The Inflexion Foundation announces multi-year grant to London Wildlife Trust
The Inflexion Foundation announces multi-year grant to The Childhood Trust
The Inflexion Foundation announces three year grant for Action Tutoring
The Inflexion Foundation announces three year grant for Chickenshed
The Inflexion Foundation announces two year grant for Grantham Institute - Climate Change and the Environment
The Inflexion Foundation commits £400,000 per year to IntoUniversity
The Inflexion Foundation donates £20,000 to Bookmark
The Inflexion Foundation funds an Earthwatch Green Earth School
The Inflexion Foundation makes major donation to the Roundhouse
The Inflexion Foundation makes significant commitment to IntoUniversity
The Inflexion Foundation makes significant donation to International Medical Corps UK
The Inflexion Foundation publishes 2020 Annual Review
The Inflexion Foundation publishes 2021 Annual Review
The Inflexion Foundation publishes 2022 Annual Review
The Inflexion Foundation publishes 2023 Annual Review
The Inflexion Foundation publishes 2024 Annual Review
The power of local people – India
The power of networks
Three Inflexion portfolio companies rank in the Profit Track 100
Three Inflexion portfolio companies recognised at BVCA Vision Series
Testing, inspection, certification and assurance dinner
Times Higher Education
Times Higher Education: Big fish, big pond
Tips for cloud transformation
Top 20 entry in Profit Track
Top tips for working from home
Transformation or termination: scaling through RPA
Transformational acquisitions
Trends in wealth management
Triple success for Inflexion’s investee businesses in the International Track 200
True Partnership: Funding that keeps you in control
Trust is key for technology
UK Power Reserve
UK Power Reserve appoints new Chairperson
UK Power Reserve included in The Leap 100 2016: The definitive list of fast-growth companies
Ultimate Performance
Unleashing ambition through carve-outs
Unlocked: Managing deals remotely
Upperton Pharma Solutions
Upperton: The first 100 days
Using data and AI to accelerate sales growth
Using digital to improve what you already have
Viking Moorings
Village Vets
Virgin Experience Days
Virgin Experience Days enhances digital
Virgin Experience Days' US ambition realised
Vivona Brands
Wealth Management Dinner
What makes a successful carve-out?
What opportunities are emerging in the life sciences industry
Why carbon excellence makes good business sense
Why causal AI matters for all companies of all sizes
Why you need to be social
Opportunity in pharmaceuticals and medical devices
Women business leaders event
Wood Thilsted
10,000 Black Interns
5 ways to enable your sales team for pricing success